Estate Planning in 2017

Lucy Berkman, an attorney at Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria, wrote a guest column that appeared in the December 26 issue of the Buffalo Law Journal. In “Put estate planning on the list for 2017”, Ms. Berkman outlines the different elements you may wish to have in place as part of your estate plan, such as Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and Health Care Proxies.

Read the full article on the Buffalo Law Journal website.


Car Accident: Appeal Won for Woman Injured

When you have been injured in a car accident, it can be difficult to determine what your next step should be. It is often necessary to pursue legal action against the other driver in order to receive adequate monetary compensation for your injuries. Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria – which has represented thousands of accident victims over the past six decades – has a team of experienced attorneys who will vigorously represent you in pursuing a claim against the negligent parties and their insurance companies. Even with the most skilled attorneys representing you, however, there are times when a judge or jury may not rule in your favor. When you receive an unfavorable verdict in those cases, you may be able to appeal the decision. Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria’s appellate attorneys can review your case and help get you the results you deserve. Read on to learn about a car accident appeal that Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria’s attorneys won for an injured client after her injury claims were dismissed.

Criminalization of Business Regulation Violations

In the past, when corporations committed regulatory violations the penalties were often not severe. It used to be the case that the company would pay a fine and then business could continue as usual. Over the last decade, however, criminal statutes and sanctions against businesses have begun to resurface from within the federal regulations. This allows these violations to be criminalized and corporations to be prosecuted in an environment that was formerly largely thought of as regulatory. White collar criminal defense attorney Barry N. Covert spoke to the Buffalo Law Journal about the way these regulations are now being applied and how they could affect businesses going forward. The full story is available on the Buffalo Law Journal website.
