A guest column written by Robert Boreanaz, senior partner and labor and employment attorney at Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria, appears in the April 18 issue of the Buffalo Law Journal. In “Labor movement scores victory with split Supreme Court”, Mr. Boreanaz describes a tie vote in the U.S. Supreme Court and the victory it delivered for unions and collective bargaining. On March 29, the Supreme Court reached a 4-4 vote in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, a major labor case on union funding. This tie vote upholds the legality of fair share fees and allows unions to maintain the system they use to collect funds that support collective bargaining and obtaining benefits for workers.
Fisher-Price Cradle Swing Recall

As a consumer, you have a reasonable expectation that the products you buy will be safe to use. Most consumers put great care into the things that they buy, especially when those products are for children. Read more for a recall alert on a children’s product that could have an effect on your family or loved ones.
Injury on Property: Appeal Won for Slip and Fall Case on Ice

In a case originally argued before the Erie County Supreme Court, Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria represented a pedestrian who brought a personal injury action against a property owner after slipping and falling on a patch of ice outside the owner’s building. The defendant attempted to deny the plaintiff’s claim and get the case dismissed by filing a motion for summary judgment, but the trial court denied the motion. This caused the property owner to appeal the decision to the New York State Appellate Division, Fourth Department, the second-highest court in New York State. John A. Collins, a senior partner at the firm, responded to the appeal on behalf of the injured pedestrian. On March 28, 2014, the Fourth Department ruled in favor of Mr. Collins’s client and affirmed the trial court’s order denying the property owner’s motion for summary judgment.