The New York State Assembly’s Judiciary Committee met behind closed doors today to discuss the recent sexual harassment report from Attorney General Letitia James and to review the next steps in the process of a potential impeachment of Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Following the Judiciary Committee’s meeting, New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Judiciary Committee Chair Charles Levine held a press conference to discuss the impeachment probe as well as the potential timeline to move forward with impeachment.
WIVB News 4’s coverage of the sexual harassment investigation into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo continued with anchor Jacquie Walker interviewing attorney Barry Covert. In their interview, Mr. Covert weighs in on:
- the timeline for the state legislature’s investigation into Gov. Andrew Cuomo;
- the impact of the CBS interview with “Executive Assistant #1”; and
- the potential impact of Melissa DeRosa’s resignation from the governor’s office.
Legal Analysis of Potentially Criminal Allegations Made Against New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo

News outlets across New York State have reported extensively on the allegations of sexual harassment made against Governor Andrew Cuomo. When a sixth accuser came forward with misconduct accusations against Governor Cuomo, the reporting shifted from alleged sexual harassment to alleged assault.
WGRZ 2 On Your Side’s ongoing coverage of allegations against the governor continued with a “Town Hall” segment hosted by anchors Michael Wooten and Kate Welshofer. Attorney Barry Covert was interviewed for the segment to provide legal analysis on the latest developments in the accusations made against Governor Andrew Cuomo.
WGRZ’s Town Hall segment focused on how the accusations made by Governor Cuomo’s sixth accuser differ from previous accusations. Attorney Barry Covert was asked to address several legal topics in this matter, including: why the latest accusation may rise to the level of a criminal offense; if law enforcement need the accuser to cooperate in an investigation; and what impact the sixth accuser’s allegations have on the New York State Attorney General’s current investigation.
Legal Analysis on Bail Issues for Suspect in Niagara County Amber Alert Case

WGRZ 2 On Your Side recently reported on bail issues involving a man from Niagara County who was arrested for abducting a 17-year-old girl. WGRZ’s Ron Plants interviewed attorney Barry Covert to provide legal analysis for the story.
In an earlier story, WGRZ 2 On Your Side reported on an Amber Alert that was issued for a 17-year-old girl from North Tonawanda. Law enforcement found the girl in the state of Pennsylvania and a suspect, Michael D. Mesko, was arrested in the matter.
As a follow-up to the Amber Alert story, WGRZ reported that Michael D. Mesko was released from jail on a second degree rape charge just days before allegedly abducting a 17-yer-old girl in North Tonawanda. For legal analysis on this story; attorney Barry Covert was asked to address issues involving why the suspect was set free, the District Attorney’s rationale for skipping a preliminary hearing in sexual abuse cases, and the impact of New York State’s new bail reform law.