Buffalo Diocese’s Reliance on Insurance Policies Conflicts With Sex Abuse Victims’ Demands for Justice

A recent frontpage story in The Buffalo News reports on the Buffalo Diocese’s plan to rely on insurance policies to cover their liability in Child Victims Act lawsuits.

Attorney Richard P. Weisbeck, Jr. spoke with The Buffalo News for the story. He provided insight on the perspective that survivors of clergy sexual abuse and Child Victims Act attorneys have regarding steps the diocese is taking with insurance policies.

The story in The Buffalo News details: the Buffalo Diocese’s bankruptcy plans, how insurance coverage has been used by other dioceses for child sex abuse lawsuits, delays and objections from insurance companies, as well as how this approach conflicts with victims’ demands for justice.

Legal Analysis on Initial Steps of Buffalo Police Reform Policy

Image of Barry Covert Interviewed on WIVB regarding Buffalo Police Reform

WIVB News 4 recently aired a report on steps that have been taken by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown regarding police reform in their respective jurisdictions. Attorney Barry Covert was interviewed for the story to provide legal analysis on some logistical aspects of the new reforms as well as the potential widespread impact the reforms may have.

Police Reform Legislation

WIVB reported that Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a package of police reform measures into law in New York State. In an announcement on the police reform legislation, Gov. Cuomo also indicated that the state would withhold money from police departments that fail to reform their practices.

The Buffalo News Reports on Steps Lipsitz Green is Taking to Move Child Victims Act Lawsuits Forward for Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Image of Building With New York State Court in Buffalo, NY

The Buffalo News recently published an article as part of their ongoing coverage of clergy sex abuse in the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo and New York State’s Child Victims Act (CVA).

The article included a report on steps Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria is taking in state court to move Child Victims Act lawsuits forward on behalf of clients whose abuse was perpetrated by someone associated with an entity within the Buffalo Diocese. Attorney Richard P. Weisbeck, Jr., who represents many survivors of childhood sexual abuse, was quoted by The Buffalo News for the report.