Following a statewide shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, New York State has begun phases of reopening. As counties in Western New York are on the brink of entering Phase II of reopening, businesses continue to assess how to address health concerns.
In public briefings, Governor Andrew Cuomo has stressed the importance of all citizens wearing face masks when in public to help prevent further spread of COVID-19. This week, Governor Cuomo issued a new executive order, which allows New York State businesses to deny entry to customers who are not wearing a mask or face covering.
As part of the ongoing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, WGRZ 2 On Your Side recently aired a story on Governor Cuomo’s new executive order. Reporter Jackie Roberts explored the legal rights of customers and how this executive order may be enforced. Attorney Barry Covert was interviewed to provide legal analysis for this report.
The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted virtually every facet of the U.S. economy. Over 22 million Americans are currently unemployed. While COVID-19 is the common cause of unemployment for millions of people, the challenges they face may depend on whether they were furloughed or laid off by their employer.
WKBW 7 Eyewitness News recently aired a report on unemployment issues during the COVID-19 crisis and specifically explored the differences between a furlough and a layoff. Labor and Employment attorney Robert L. Boreanaz was interviewed by WKBW reporter Gilat Melamed for the story.