Several media outlets have reported on the sexual harassment allegations made against New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo.
As part of their ongoing coverage of this story, WGRZ 2 On Your Side recently aired a report that addressed the legal process Governor Cuomo may face and how the law works in sexual harassment cases. Reporter Ron Plants interviewed labor attorney Robert L. Boreanaz to provide legal analysis for this report.
Continue reading for comments made by Robert Boreanaz for this story. Click here for WGRZ’s full report or click the video below to watch the full story, including legal analysis from Robert Boreanaz.
New York State Releases Draft of Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and Training Requirements

New York State’s 2019 Budget, which was signed in to law this past April, includes legislation that requires every employer in New York State, within both the private sector and public sector, to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy and to provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training.
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As detailed in our previous Special Alert, New York State’s Department of Labor and Division of Human Rights have issued a model sexual harassment prevention policy and model training program. Once finalized, those models will establish a minimum standard for all employers in New York State to follow or incorporate in to their own policy and training program.
While the Department of Labor and Division of Human Rights have not yet issued final requirements, employers can use the models to begin to prepare to comply with the sexual harassment prevention policy and training legislation.