Keith T. Williams has served as an advocate for injured workers for over 40 years.
Mr. Williams’s vast and unique experience as a leader, advocate, and instructor in the labor community makes him an invaluable asset to clients. He has significant experience representing injured workers before the Workers’ Compensation Board, including serving as part of the Lipsitz Green team that represents the Western New York Workers’ Compensation Coalition.
For 17 years, Mr. Williams served as a licensed Workers’ Compensation Representative in the State of New York. He represented clients before the Workers’ Compensation Board with all the privileges and responsibilities of an attorney.
Mr. Williams’s experience in negotiating contracts and benefit plans provides clients with specific knowledge on how contracts, pensions, and disability policies interact with workers’ compensation.
Prior to joining Lipsitz Green, Mr. Williams served as an officer in the United Steelworkers Local 593, where he was a member of the Executive Board and Grievance Committee as well as a Workers’ Compensation Agent.
Mr. Williams has been chairman of the New York State District 4 Workers’ Compensation Committee and has co-chaired the UAW-USWA Joint Compensation Coalitions. He has developed and instructed several workers’ compensation training programs, which are used by various unions and WYNCOSH.